Wild Blueberry with Toasted Crumbs Ice Cream Posted on August 20, 2015 (February 2, 2021) by Lynna Whoa. Summer is just flying by, isn`t it?! I think I am in denial that it`s already near the end of August. My summer classes ended the last week of July and I had two weeks of break before classes started again today. Let me tell you, those two weeks went by so quickly, I READ MORE
Blueberry Lemon Custard Tart Posted on July 15, 2015 (February 2, 2021) by Lynna This post is coming at you all terribly late. I had planned to post this before July 4th…but as you can see, it is already the 15th. I think I mentioned earlier that I was going to attend graduate school? My program started this summer and it has just been crazy. Like, really crazy. Exciting, READ MORE
Strawberry Fan Cookies with Lemon Glaze Posted on June 17, 2015 (February 2, 2021) by Lynna I`ve been pretty inspired by all fancy sugar cookie decorations I have been seeing on Instagram lately. But, I`m lazy when it comes to baking sometimes… I know from experience how time-consuming decorating sugar cookies can take, thus, deterring me from actually making them. One day… These cookies aren`t exactly sugar cookies, more like butter READ MORE
Green Tea Crunch Ice Cream Posted on June 3, 2015 (February 2, 2021) by Lynna I don`t think Southern California has decided what weather it wants to feel like for the past months. It`ll be cold and gloomy for 2 weeks, then hot and sunny the next week. Well, I guess it doesn`t matter to me, because when it comes to ice cream, I always help myself to some. On READ MORE
Baked Coffee Cake French Toast Posted on May 21, 2015 (February 2, 2021) by Lynna I`m going to start this off with the fact that my dad loved this. He said it twice in the span of an hour. Did you know how happy I was when he said this?! VERY. My dad bakes and likes sweets, but he rarely likes anything I bake because it`s too sweet for his READ MORE
Strawberry Apple Crumble Pie Posted on May 13, 2015 (February 2, 2021) by Lynna I must confess, I made these pies for Pi day back in March. And I`m posting them in May. Normally, I feel too lazy to bake pie for Pi day, but when I found out this year was extra special because it was 3.1415 (this year added to the irrational number perfectly!), I knew I READ MORE
Mini Blueberry Coffee Cake Bundts Posted on March 25, 2015 (February 2, 2021) by Lynna I`m back with some blueberry coffee cakes in cute little bundt forms! I had a large box of fresh blueberries and was dreaming of sweets studded with these beauties. There are many reasons why these coffee cakes are the bomb. For starters, they are made with brown butter. There`s also blueberry yogurt in the batter. READ MORE
Blueberry Streusel Muffin Cookies Posted on March 3, 2015 (February 2, 2021) by Lynna Since Spring is swiftly approaching in a few weeks, I can finally share this recipe. I don`t know about you, but I always eat blueberry muffins with streusel toppings. The streusel topping on muffins are my favorite part about eating muffins. Why not just make cookies that taste just like those muffin tops? Even though READ MORE