Chocolate Dulce de Leche Sandwich Cookies

Well, the first month of 2015 just zoomed by.Valentine’s Day is next Saturday!! I`m not sure why I sound so excited, I`m not really that excited. Haha! However, it makes me exercise my brain by trying to think of something cute to bake for the occasion. I`m always down for baking cute treats, if you

Banana Berry Bread Pudding with Banana Bourbon Sauce

So, I`m not sure why, but I really want this new Exploding Kittens card game that was introduced to the world today. Before you freak out, it`s not really kittens, being mistreated at ALL. I`m not sure if any of you know what The Oatmeal is, but it`s been around for ages, and the creator

Brown Butter Toffee Shortbread Cookies

Brown Butter Toffee Shortbread Cookies

Merry Christmas!! Happy Holidays everyone! 🙂 This week`s post is coming to you late since it`s been so crazy with my sisters back. Plus, the holidays and all. 🙂 But, they`re all good things. It`s tradition for my family to celebrate on Christmas Eve. I had a delicious dinner with my family last night. My

Red Velvet Butter Cookies

Red Velvet Butter Cookies

It`s that time of year again, everybody! Today is cookie reveal day for the annual Food Blogger Cookie Swap hosted by Love & Olive Oil and The Little Kitchen. It`s basically a gigantic cookie swap between active food bloggers from around the world (mainly, the US). We bake some yummy, homemade cookies and send a

Red Velvet Truffle Cheesecake Cookies

Red Velvet Truffle Cheesecake Cookies

Oh my goodness, people…it`s really almost over. 2014 has only a handful of weeks left! Christmas music has been playing on the radio since before Thanksgiving! I feel like Thanksgiving is almost the forgotten holiday with all the Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping craziness. Nevertheless, if you`re in the US, I hope you all

Brown Butter Blueberry Dulce de Leche Waffles

Brown Butter Blueberry Dulce de Leche Waffles

I`ll admit that it`s a little weird to have such a long recipe name for just some waffles. Let`s be honest, these are NOT “some waffles” right here. They are special. Let me reiterate these very important words: brown butter, blueberry, dulce de leche, and waffles. Yep. These waffles are in fact, made with brown

Blueberry Turnovers

Blueberry Turnovers

Summer means lots and lots of berries! Pies, usually come to mind when you think of incorporating berries, such as blueberries, in desserts. But, Summer. It`s hot. Most people (I say most, because this excludes those crazy foodies who`s addicted to baking), want to avoid turning on the oven in the heat. Sorry, to disappoint,